Sunday, December 04, 2005

cheap supplies - part 2

I just looked at those two art boards that I prepainted the other day (see previous entry) and I almost couldn't believe my eyes! Yes, one of them was much harder to paint, sucked up paint etc. etc. But now look at this. Now that the paint is semi-dry they don't look anything alike! One panel clearly has a much warmer tone to it than the other. And I used exactly the same paint for both. One might have gotten a little bit more, but otherwise the same paint. You can see from the uneven strokes on the right board that it was hard to put a consistent paint layer on (actually, towards the end I sort of gave up and decided to try to fix this on the next layer)... But gee, what a difference!!!


Blogger Andreas said...

Here is just a followup on my posting. I put a second layer of paint on these boards and took more chrome oxide green on the one and more viridan on the other and now they both look more similar again and they are an almost even green. But the first layer - yikes - what a difference!!

5:22 PM  
Blogger Andreas said...

And here another update. After those two boards were dry I painted a first layer on top and now they behave almost identical. So gesso + 2 layers of oil paint seem to finally seal the material sufficiently that it behaves consistently. Yikes. In any case, I expect to have no more problems with these plates (aside from the fact that one of them is warping *growl*).

7:33 PM  

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