Friday, February 23, 2007

Showing at SJSU - how's that for a birthday present?

So yesterday I slave away (just kidding) on a lithograph which didn't work out at all (unfortunately not kidding on that part). Suddenly I get asked if I'd like to be part of the little show some of the printmakers are putting on for next week, because they don't have any relief prints in the show yet and stuff. Oh, and the stuff should be up *tomorrow*. Erm... YES!

How about that for short notice? Well after some more talk we figured out I can get the stuff in there Saturday afternoon but it's still a bit of a mad rush because I don't want to just put my stuff up with push pins but have them framed. Luckily I have all the materials (minus mat boards which I bought today in the morning) at home. So tonight and tomorrow will be a framing session. I have 6 pieces and need to frame 4 of them. And because I'm a perfectionist... well you get the picture. I don't know yet if I'll actually hang all 6 pieces, because I don't know if that will work space wise. But I want them ready in case there is enough space.

The show will be up all of next week in Gallery 3 (downstairs) in the Art building at San Jose State University. The official opening / reception of the show is Tuesday, February 27th from 6:30 pm till 8pm-ish. There will be some food but as this is at a school, food doesn't last long, typically. I hope I'll see you there!

Here is a campus map if you've never been there. The Art building is in coordinates C3-C4 on that map. The campus hugs the corner of San Fernando Str and 10th Str in downtown San Jose.


Blogger Unknown said...

I really hope we can fit so many as six. So far Crystal still needs to hang up her pieces, and you of course. But it's looking good so far. Watch out for my ruler, it's still in the gallery and it has my name on it.

5:31 PM  

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