A little print for a print exchange
Finally I find some time to get to know my etching press a bit better. As my first project I was working on a small print that used drypoint and roulettes, titled "Contemplation". And just as I was getting ready to print the third state of the plate I re-discovered that there is a print exchange happening in Seattle where they are looking for small format prints. An excellent opportunity. So I printed an edition (I needed 15 prints for the exchange and I made a few extras for myself). They are maybe a bit less consistent than I'd like them (chalk that up to my lack of experience with drypoint) but overall it's a pretty nice print. Paper format for this is 7" x 5" so it really is a pretty small print. Printed on tan Rives BFK with a mix of yellow ochre and raw umber.
The print exchange is put on by PrintZero studios, Brian Lane. And you can find more information about the exchange on their web site. I assume that all the pieces submitted to the exchange eventually will show up on their web site.
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