Sunday, June 17, 2007

Stop Art!

Well, not really...

A while back (March?) one of the members of our art critique group suggested we should all try to do a bit a guerilla art. After some pondering I came up with the idea of a painting of a stop sign. I scaled the painting just so it would fit perfectly over a regular stop sign (it turns out that a 24"x24" canvas on regular stretcher bars fits perfectly). So it's a painting of a stop sign on top of a stop sign. Art!

I had tons of crazy ideas related to the idea... how about just leaving the piece hanging on the stop sign and see how long till it disappears? What if it never disappears? What if nobody ever notices?

But then I also got worried. Real stop signs have a number of safety features built in, like being very visible at night etc. What if I left the piece on there and an accident happened at that intersection - possibly caused by somebody not seeing the sign. And so forth. So I took it down again.

But I had a number of additional ideas for that series. The original piece is now know as "Stop sign" (or "Mr. Stop sign"). The next one is "his dislexic brother". And the last one is "Son of Stop sign" (half quarter the size and in lower case, of course ;) ). Below you can see the whole stop sign family as it is today...

I wanted to do at least two more but never got around to them. Then, today, a friend sent me a pointer to this blog posting for a Craigslist stop sign project. Neat, I thought. I guess I should finally put a blog post about my own stop sign project up. And here it is. And a pointer to this blog entry is in the mail to that craigslist stop sign project, of course :) And now I'm thinking of continuing that series after all... at least a few more based on some ideas from my friend Bernie... Well, stay tuned :)


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